Queen City Contra Dancers Buffalo NY
Come join us! All are Welcome!
The Queen City Contra Dances are open to everyone regardless of your vaccination status.
No testing required; masking is optional. Please be mindful of your own symptoms.
Snacks and drinks are provided by volunteers – bring and share as you can!
As always, you dance at your own risk.
General Information
See Dance Schedule tab above for upcoming dances & locations
* Dances run from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
* No experience required. Beginners welcome!
* Contra-basics for newcomer friends at 7:00 PM
* No partner required. Come with friends, family, a significant other, or independently! This is a social dance and partners change regularly.
* All dances are taught and walked through before the music plays.
* No special outfits required. We recommend loose, breathable clothing and clean, flat, soft-soled shoes. Sneakers and Hush Puppies are good. Cowboy boots and high heels are NOT good; not only do those shoes damage wooden dance floors, but they are difficult to move around in, and we do move around!
* Windows will be open and fans in place to aid in ventilation.
* All Queen City dances are smoke-free and alcohol-free.
* You are dancing at your own risk at all times.
General admission: $10.00 (Pay more if you can, less if you cannot.)
Members: $8.00
Spectators: A donation to help compensate the band
Join QCCD and get $2 off admission
Dancing Gems or “Heard on the Floor”
Contra Dance is to …”walk around to music and act friendly…” – Andy Davis, caller, organizer, musician
“Go forward with purpose!” – Nils Fredland, caller, musician
Questions for QCCD?
Get in Touch
send a message on our facebook page
Queen City Contra Dancers of Buffalo, NY
or text Mary Dileas @ 716-908-4895
Queen City Contra Dancers Buffalo NY regrets the necessity of reminding you that all pages are copyright (C) 2023, all rights reserved.
No portion of it may be reproduced in any form without permission.