Queen City Contra Dancers



Click Here for Dance Schedule

Dance Resources

Please see below for some good dance links.


More Contra Dance Information

Helpful Links

What is contra dance, anyway? (from Wikipedia)

Country Dance & Song Society
The umbrella organization for groups such as Queen City.

Contra Dance Links for the United States, Canada, and the World
Don’t leave town without finding a good dance to visit!

National Day-of-the-Month Dance Grid
By Ted Crane in Ithaca. If you want to know which cities dance on which day of the month, this is an impressive site.

An American Ballroom Companion
Dance instruction manuals, c. 1490-1920, online in full text courtesy of the Library of Congress. Added for amusement and research.

Queen City Contra Dancers Buffalo NY

Queen City Contra Dancers Buffalo NY


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No portion of it may be reproduced in any form without permission.