The Performers
Contra Dance Bands & Callers
Contact Us


Mary Collins
A contra caller who loves to dance and call!
- Phone: (716) 997-9423
- Email: nativedae@gmail.com

Bob Nicholson
A veteran caller from Syracuse, he’s totally focussed on fun, accessible dances. His dance repertoire is deep and his memory is amazing. A versatile caller, Bob handles both Contra and English Country dances with ease, and events from advanced to weddings to introductory workshops.
- Phone: (315) 479-5844
- Email: bobnicholson@twcny.rr.com

David Smukler
I lead evenings of contras and squares, English country dances, family dances, school programs, and special events such as weddings, festivals, etc. I have also presented workshops on numerous dance related topics. My taste in dances is eclectic, and I tend to present a wide variety of dances when I call. My repertoire includes plenty of New England contras, as well as an assortment of squares, singing calls, mixers, old chestnuts and freshly minted dances. I have a special fondness for English country dances, and my English programs also blend old favorites with new gems.
- Phone: 315-474-0710
- Email: DSmukler@verizon.net
- Performer Web Site
Questions for QCCD?
Get in Touch
send a message on our facebook page
Queen City Contra Dancers of Buffalo, NY
or text Mary Dileas @ 716-908-4895
Queen City Contra Dancers Buffalo NY regrets the necessity of reminding you that all pages are copyright (C) 2023, all rights reserved.
No portion of it may be reproduced in any form without permission.